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Famous Baroque Composers

Updated on May 28, 2012

Great Composers of the Baroque Period

As is my usual, I’ll try to have youtube links beneath each composer’s bio for your enjoyment pleasure; however, you can also surf youtube on your own, as there are myriads of performances of music by all the composers mentioned in this article.

Famous Baroque Composers - In today’s world, many of us like everything to be big - big cars, big houses, big foods, and finally, big orchestras - yes, big orchestras. Is it any wonder why Baroque music has taken a back seat to music from the Romantic Period? ...the Romantics Period is coming...they came in the 19th century and conquered it. The Romantic Period in music produced very large size orchestras, starting out with Berlioz, Liszt, Wagner and finally culminating with Strauss and Mahler. People pay big bucks these days to see classical music (so called classical music), but Tchaikovsky and Dvorak make the cash register ring more often than Vivaldi or Handel can ever hope to do. Even when Bach and Vivaldi are performed, they morph the orchestras a bit, so as to give the impression that when they were around, their music would have been played by 40-50 professor orchestras, instead of 8-10 players that were around then, which is how their music was actually performed - not likely!... So, what happens? Most classical concerts given in the USA are of music from the Romantics, not Classical or Baroque - Romantics!

This article is exclusively devoted to Famous Baroque composers. The Baroque Period unofficially ended in 1750, with the death of its premiere composer, Johann Sebastian Bach.

When the Baroque Period was in full swing 300 years ago, orchestra size varied, but it was rare to see a Baroque orchestra/instrumental concert with more than 18 performers - 18 musicians was considered a big size orchestra in the Baroque Period, unlike the Romantic Period, where some orchestras could easily reach 180+ musicians, especially if you include a chorus.

Georg Philipp Telemann 1681 - 1767
Today, most music scholars will argue you a good run for your money if you dare to place Telemann above Vivaldi, Bach or Handel; nevertheless, Telemann was the undisputed god of his day. He came from a well to do family. Telemann was taught Greek and Latin at an early age. He was prohibited to study music, yet Telemann study music in secret and eventually became the foremost composer of his day, surpassing all the other Baroque composers. Telemann also studied law at the Liepzig University, but eventually gave it up for music. Even in secret, as a young teenager, Telemann was composing music in secret and making money. trumpet Concerto

Antonio Vivaldi 1678 - 1741
Not quite as prolific as Telemann, but very talented nonetheless. The Four Seasons, has virtually become a cliché of so called classical music. So much so, that we oftentimes forget just how beautiful the 4 concertos really are. Vivaldi was born on March 14, the day of a horrid earthquake in Venice, Italy. Vivaldi was quite gifted and is considered today to have been one of the greatest masters of the Baroque. - As brilliant and talented as Vivaldi was, he died in poverty, although he had been quite successful in his youth. Spring Concerto

George Frideric Handel 1865 - 1759
Another brilliant musician and composer of the Baroque Period. And, the man responsible for the very famous oratorio The Messiah, arguably the greatest oratorio of the Baroque Period, perhaps of all times. Other notable works by Handel are: Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks, which were written for British Royal Celebrations, the country where Handel built most of his fame and reputation in, even if he was German by birth. Hallelujah

Domenico Scarlatti 1685 - 1757
One of the most important forerunners to modern keyboard music. Scarlatti wrote numerous sonatas for the harpsichord, which would eventually influence the Romantic piano music of Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin and Brahms.

Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 - 1750
Bach is not only the Baroque Period’s premiere composer, but along with Mozart and Beethoven, he’s considered one of music’s three “super geniuses.” Telemann, Vivaldi and Handel, were much more innovative and experimental than Bach was; however, Bach’s greatness rests mainly and because, of his exceptional use of chromaticism and very refined counterpoint, two aspects of music which would later culminate with the music of Beethoven, Wagner, Brahms, Strauss and Mahler. Bach was also not financially as successful a composer as Vivaldi, D. Scarlatti, F. Couperin, Handel---and absolutely no way---not even close to Telemann! All said, Bach was surprisingly quite successful as a organist and harpsichordist. Bach’s music was dead and buried with him when he died in 1750. Had it not been for Mendelssohn and a few other composers who gave revival and recitals of his music, we may not know who Bach is today. The Brandenburg Concertos and Saint Matthew Passion, are arguably the greatest musical accomplishments of the Baroque period---hands down! Brandenburg No. 4

Francois Couperin 1688 - 1733
One of the greatest masters of the French Baroque. Couperin was also a virtuoso harpsichordist and wrote many solo works for this instrument.

Arcangelo Corelli 1653 - 1713
Another master of the Italian Baroque, who is always overshadowed by Vivaldi. Nonetheless, he was an exceptional musician who is not mentioned as much as she should these days.

Jean Joseph Mouret 1682 - 1738
Another master of the French Baroque, as well as the man responsible for the musical theme to Masterpiece Theater. A famous and successful composer in his day who has now been reduced to a “one hit wonder” - “Rondeau” (French word for Rondo) from “Symphonies and Fanfares for the King’s Supper.” What can I say? French Royalty food is so good that it requires this type of music in the background to eat it.... - Rondeau

Jean Baptiste Lully 1632 - 1687
Another very successful master of the French Baroque, who was close a friend of Moliere. Moliere helped Lully stage some of his massive operatic and ballet output....

Marc Antoine Charpentier 1643 - 1704
Ironically enough, another master of the French Baroque who was also a personal friend of Moliere. Just like Lully, Moliere also helped Charpentier stage some of his large operatic and ballet output. In fact, Moliere died while performing in one of Charpentier’s ballets. Makes you wonder how a busy genius like Moliere had any time left to write plays?....


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